Practicing and developing psychic mediumship abilities
I attend a Development Circle every week to practice and develop my psychic and mediumship abilities. It is an opportunity to commune with like-minded people and Spirit.
There are many people holding a Circle in many different ways around the world today. Some are conducting scientifically structured Circles that focus on very strict conditions. These conditions encourage the production of phenomena so that it may be studied in pursuit of understanding other dimensions, spirit and the physics of it all (though that is a 3D construct in and of itself).
There are Circles that focus on the moon, Gaia and the Earth Devas, nature spirits, elementals and angels. There are Circles that incorporate drumming, fire and/or both.
Some Circles focus on the experience of other dimensions using entheogens as a catalyst. The word entheogen means, ‘generating the divine within.’ This involves ingesting a mind-altering substance like mesclun or Ayahuasca, to name a few, allowing one, under supervision, to have a personal mystical experience.
There is a Circle that is virtual or ever changing, like the Healing Circles of Laura Day and others that focus on only spiritual healing. This form of healing is an energy modality that calls upon Spirit to work through healers.
Other Circles being conducted around the world today seek to bring the participants together focusing energy on personal development in mindfulness, oneness and advanced meditation with combinations of chanting or intoning bowls or yoga, just to name a few variations.
Whether Spirit Circles are conducted outside under the moon around a fire, inside a private sanctuary or in a public event, the intent is the same; to invoke Spirit and honor the Creator by initiating a communion with Spirit, Light Beings of all kinds, including our Galactic family.
The Circle creates incredible union with all participants, spirit and the Cosmos. This is the symbol of the Circle – Unity and Safety.
The Circle I attend is a combination of those mentioned with the notable exception of using entheogens. All of my tripping was done in my younger years and is no longer of interest to me, even though it has no doubt informed my current knowledge.
I will note that the entheogen Circle is gaining in popularity again after a lull since the 1970’s. Noted artist, Alex Grey, among others, is a huge proponent of the use of entheogens for enlightenment and creating art.
Development Circle is at root a meditation in specific conditions with a knowledgeable and experienced leader. While in the past Circles may have been held in total darkness as employed by the Spiritualist Church, many modern Development groups are held in dim or lighted conditions and even online.
That word séance holds a lot of negative energy and old paradigms so I don’t use it too often. Humankind has evolved to higher levels of understanding (or remembering) of other dimensions since or perhaps because of, the formative years of the Theosophical Society. Nevertheless, today’s progressive state of mind holds Development Circles out in the open air and light or dim light.
My formative years in development were in hermetically sealed darkened rooms. While controlled environments are necessary for scientific record and proof or for some extreme forms of physical phenomena, this precaution is not necessary for development of sensitivity to Spirit, a deeper connection and receiving messages, signs or symbols or even required for developing clairvoyance.
Intention is everything and today humanity post 2012 has advanced enough to evolve out of outdated practices. Most Development Circles focus on the listening presence of Creator and the teachings of the Ascended Masters, Guides and Angels. Spirit is regularly invited to bring messages, which are always of personal or group importance for spiritual growth.
Participants are given exercises to increase abilities already mentioned here. The only exception is the rare physical phenomena but I believe even that will begin to be demonstrated in the regular daylight in the upcoming years. How exciting is that?
The Development Circle provides a sphere of safety for connection, contemplation and study for the beginner and the advanced chela. Most Circles are attended by invitation only to those ready to embark further along their path after prerequisite knowledge and desire to learn is demonstrated to the Circle leader.
Circles can be open for anyone to attend or closed with a set group of people attending. For advanced Circles that involve trance mediumship attendees are encouraged to wear the same clothes week to week and even sit in the same chairs in the same spot on the Circle to engender an energy signature.
Older Development Circles may garner the honor of being overseen by Guides that ask for certain protocols and ensure proper conduct and safety, whether participants have been at it for many years or not. Phenomena does occur, but it is experienced as proof and evidence of Spirit and examined more fully on a personal and group level for meaning and application into this 3D life, not as a show of remarkable feats. Meetings are Never focused on money or phenomena.
(Caveat: There is some flim-flam out there. If you are seeking anything of the sort mentioned here, Be Very Careful. I now surround you in a bubble of white light that is sealed with the invincible protection of silver light. Only God and good may enter therein.)
A highly tuned circle can take you to new heights of spiritual oneness with All That Is. The energy generated by everyone allows easier access to other planes where guides and teachers can bring forth what you need to know through messages, symbols, signs, visions and sometimes phenomena. This can be directly experienced by an individual, the group or brought specifically to an individual through another person.
A well run Development Circle creates an environment that allows further probing into a life mission on this planet and understanding destiny, what I refer to as a mysterious lacunae. The Spirit world is infinite, comprising past, present and future in all dimensions of space and time. Populated by all your relations, Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactic beings, guides, guardians, teachers, elementals and nature spirits. The potential experiences in Circle are infinite.
The experiences I have had ignite much of my artwork. I have received countless messages, visions and suggestions while in Circle. These have come directly to me or as a message delivered by a Circle participant.
Each and every Circle leaves food for thought and contemplation. Every Circle provides fodder for reflection, which boosts my personal meditation practice, which in turn allows me to bring The connection into the mundane world. And that’s the point right? To bring the connection with All That Is into our everyday lives and thereby raise the vibration around us. Which means I am sharing that connection through my words and deeds by continuing to Embrace the Mystery.