New paths Not One path facilitate our spiritual growth
The term ‘different paths’ in spiritual growth usually refers to religions or beliefs. Different beliefs have always been of great interest to me. World religions are a fascinating study because they open so many avenues to be awake. Solid and rigid thinking does not, to my mind, equate with freedom and allowing; especially allowing Love.
Most religions place restraints on the interpretations of love and many other subjects. That is not to say that religions do not teach love, they certainly do. The study of different religions does make evident the commonalities in various beliefs; the places where there are agreements, if you will, on the teachings. An overlap.

El Morya prints available
Ascended Master El Morya once said that different pathways do not lead to spirituality. Spirituality is not the goal and neither is purity. The goal is to reach god-consciousness, perhaps the void or to become the oneness. So to accomplish that Oneness, is to awaken to your own god-consciousness in spite of your chosen way of getting there.
In the compelling book Interview with an Angel, the angel Ariel says that the method doesn’t matter as long as you are nourished. Nourishing the soul is often the biggest reason one practices a religion. I am guessing that habit, or family tradition is another big reason, which may or may not provide nourishment. While Ariel doesn’t define nourished, I define it as that which allows growth and acceptance through love; to supply what is necessary.
The goal is any method that brings you what is necessary to reaching the goal of Oneness or god-consciousness.
Master Kuthumi teaches that the source doesn’t matter, it is the teachings that matter. According to the venerable KH, even with small differences, errors and formats over the eons, the larger teachings are the same. This is evident in all the world religions and in lesser-known writings like those of Alice Bailey.

Kuthumi prints available
Every avatar on this planet from Krishna to Buddha to Jesus has instructed us on this. Jesus said I am the way, meaning he is not God, he is showing the way. Buddha said look at the moon do not look at me. We humans get so wrapped up in the personification (or embodiment) of the teachings that we do not absorb the lesson.
The different pathway or sources are not even the point. The teachings are what matter. The goal of awakening to god-consciousness is not based on the chosen path. The brass ring is hanging on the ever-branching lessons of growth and acceptance through love. What is necessary to assimilate that lesson?
It is not just study but also your own experience that adds validation to the path. This is how we form our own truth. Spiritual growth is achieved through discernment. Discernment in beliefs, discernment in perspectives of your experiences with the role models of the great avatars and other enlightened beings that are so available to us as we actively Embrace the Mystery.