Embracing the Mystery of Spiritual Discernment
The last two months have been challenging. I’m not the only one having a hard time, I know that and I’m not going to do a bunch of bitching or navel gazing here. I’m simply saying I’ve been distracted enough to not be writing and distraction is exactly the problem.
In this break from writing I have observed what friends, family and spiritual leaders are doing and have determined they are also having challenges, so I’ll bet you are too.
You don’t have to search too far to find reports on the intense cosmic weather (current Mercury Retrograde is just the tip of the iceberg) and the wave upon wave of energies that are pummeling Earth in etheric and physical forms. What really got me to feeling not so alone in my misery was I started to notice spiritual leaders – well known and otherwise – take time off.
Everyone seems to be needing to back off the electronics, take a week off (or more) and go inside. I’m not talking about the daily meditation (which to me, became so much more important these last few weeks); I mean myself and others were hit with some kind of personal and group whammy and time inside was the only way to deal with assimilating the lesson!
Purposeful connection with Self is the precursor to Discernment. It really is a beautiful process but it is only evident as beautiful from the other side. We still have to go through it.
Try as hard as I may, sometimes the only way to learn some lessons is the 2 X 4. These kinds of lessons seem to smell of karma (if you haven’t decided to release your karma yet – thinking of Kryon here) and they can be brutal or just a few bad hair days with consequences.
The recent challenging energies have been associated with the ascension of the Earth and what some call the first wavers. As I have noted in a previous post, ascension is the sound bite of the moment but the intention is about the change in the vibration of Earth (Gaia) and all of humanity (in waves). It is about evolution, but not evolution as taught in school. The idea of evolution from the human point of view is also evolving.
Without getting into semantics and definitions of evolution I wonder just how we can amplify our discernment in spiritual matters. As all of life here in the mundane 3 and 4D becomes more and more diverse in energies (vibration) how can we embrace the unknown engaging our discernment so as to avoid the whammy – stay centered, grounded and focused upon God and Light?
There are several channels out there stating that as Gaia becomes more Light-filled the dark energies will bubble up unexpectedly and perhaps seem even darker. This past summer had many examples of that from terrorism in the Middle East and Europe to random shootings all over here in the US. For a few weeks it seemed that every day was filled with senseless tragedy.
These last weeks global experiences only supported difficult and dark times in personal lives all around me. I and people I know and don’t know were shocked out of a kind of fog that had become necessarily unnecessary for higher vibration to prevail.
So how do we assimilate this presentation of dark thought and action and reemphasize the Light and Love in Action? When we are presented with our own poor choices, gullibility, ignorance, confusion and unawareness it stings. Big time!
When we go through this and choose to lash out, blame, reject and magnify a lack of trust because of the sting of realizing that we have been made to look foolish as subjects of frauds, shams and cons. And its understandable!
When we see such mistakes illuminated it is embarrassing and our first ‘normal’ reaction is to flinch. Is the lesson to not flinch and react by lashing out, turning away in rash and blind judgement or is the lesson to recognize that all things are done through free choice, even being duped and fooled more than once?
Ah, Karma. The difference between judgement and discernment is a thin line. Judgement has many meanings but in everyday life we tend to wield judgement like a sword of opinion with little thought or forethought. Discernment is a more elegant, subtle and demands careful thought.
Judgment requires determination and Discernment requires sagacity, which is best utilized by pausing. Wise use of what is laid before us each and every day can be time consuming, exhausting and seemingly impossible in moment by moment life.
That is the point – it is easier to distract ourselves with blame and it’s dark companions, hacking away with the sword of opinion rather than pause, take a deep breathe and ASK with wise intention (perhaps engaging our Higher Self) what the heck is really happening. The sting is avoided by being still. Flailing about crying ‘why me’ only creates another distraction.
Distraction is a low vibration. Identifying distraction and detractors can only be achieved by pausing, centering, asking your higher self to help discern what is going on. And then believe it! Hacking our way through each day in frantic sword fighting does not allow the red flags to wave hello.
If we take the time to ask we also have to trust that the answer will come and that is what we act on. That is Love in Action.
If we don’t believe what we are guided to then the 2 X 4 will come along in sad and 20/20 hindsight predictability. So the challenge is really Pausing.
That’s right we don’t Pause and that is how distraction overtakes discernment. Pause, Center, Ask Higher Self. It really is a radical new way to live. Embrace the Mystery.