The Rite of the Womb
Recently, in my tiny hamlet I collaborated with two extraordinary women to bring the shamanic Rite of the Womb to our community. These events are the kind of creativity that create a stronger, healed community.
During regular, powerful Sound Baths there was a strong indication from both my collaborators that women were in need of learning to heal the second chakra and men perhaps the heart space. Thinking about how this coincided with my own findings in my own private sessions, Ashley (Ritual Remedies) Mauri and I conferred about collaborating to address this observation as best we could with our individual skills.
The Shamanic Rite of the Womb is a fairly new Rite in the oeuvre of the South American shamans. Created by the Shipibo female shamans the Rite seems to have been inspired by the needs of the modern female but is offered and shared out to males as well, as a community offering.
Now that may sound surprising; a womb initiation ceremony for men and women. I assure you this Rite is intended for men and women by its creators. Let me explain.
Marcela Lobos, shaman, brought this Rite back from the jungle in 2014, after a very vivid and personal experience with the Shipibo female shamans. It was conveyed that this was her task. Unlike the other 12 Munay Ki Rites, the Rite of the Womb is meant to be shared by all those who receive the Rite, quite unlike any other shamanic Rite I know of.

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So much of our known history is about the female as creator. But actually, Humans, all Humans are creator beings. This is an esoteric and Shamanic approach to creatorship but no less important! It is perhaps a hidden fact about our species or at the very least a perspective that isn’t entertained in our modern society.
In the Golden Age of Aquarius, which we have just shifted into, we will all begin to embrace our abilities as creators. I talk about this in my Awakening Sacred Self Course and have found the concept readily accepted.
In our so-called past the female was revered for her ability to birth another human, and with the partriarchal ‘phase’ a male was required to make that happen. Parthenogenesis is a scientific name for creating a gamete without fertilization. Many plants and animals do this today and humans have done this as well.
I know!
Use your favorite search engine and sharpen your discernment to research this fascinating subject. Dr. Marguerite Rigoglioso has done extensive research and written two books on the subject of parthenogenesis and how it has been hidden by history. Riveting stuff.
What does this mean to us, today in the here and now?

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With the majority of people walking around asleep to their own energy systems and to their astounding potential abilities it means a lot! While parthenogenesis has not been found to be relevant to men in history, in as much as being capable of that form of birthing; men are creator beings as well, beyond the fact they don’t have a womb.
Or do they?
Spiritualists (and others) believe that the etheric body houses a duplicate of all physical organs. The old Spiritualists also believed that long long ago when Humans were seeded upon the Earth that the progenitors (male or female) could manifest a child from their body simply through an intention.
Now, I’m not going to go down this rabbit hole but I do encourage you to go where you are drawn. I feels right to me to consider that men are capable or were capable of this type of manifestation. After all there is record of Adam creating Eve from his body. This skill has simply been forgotten or manipulated out of our collective memories.
Now that I have addressed LITERAL birth what about birthing an idea, a concept, a new project, a new livelihood? Sure, you can more easily accept that a man can birth in this way (as well as a woman).
The second chakra is present in both male and female and this center of power and emotion holds the same attributes for both male and female. Most people think the second chakra…and the Rite of the Womb, is all about sex.

The Exalted
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It is not.
The second chakra is about freedom, love and freedom. Humans are the Spirits of Love and Freedom and it seems to me to make the second chakra very important to our Spiritual evolution. The second chakra is is also about passion, creation of all kinds, shame, guilt as relates to pleasure and boundaries among other things. All chakras are about choice.
What is the choice?
Are you going to keep looping in the same old stories or are you going to embrace your ability to create new experiences? Are you going to wallow in victimhood over past experiences and go nowhere except perhaps into deeper despair or are you going to see what has happened to you as just an experience and not a way of life? Are you going to get uncomfortable and curious about what could happen in your life or are you going to stay comfortable and dulled by self-fulfilling prophecy?
What are you birthing?
All of these questions and more were addressed in our beautiful Ceremony and the result was an undeniable awareness of what can be. The result was a stronger more resilient community because 17 souls allowed the Rite of the Womb to be called down to them to instigate a fresh perspective, to choose consciousness over impulse, however that may have been manifesting in each precious life. It is profoundly personal to each soul.

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Zelma Denise
People were moved.
When people are moved it changes the community. Afterward I was struck how sometimes you just do things and it is so supported by Universe. There is so much power in the thing that it cannot be denied that Now was the Time to do This.
Every group was obviously moved and in some cases individuals were changed by the experience according to their post-ceremony testimonies. This is how we evolve our communities, our world and yes, the Cosmos.
We are already considering another event. If you wish to participate you may join my email list here. Note: it is a general email list for all my events and session work.
Embrace the Mystery