Lessons from my Master Teacher
I wish to add to a previous post. I have experienced a few things since that posting that put a new turn on the subject matter.
I have many stories of co-creating art work that does not meet expectations of the ‘normal’ view of a being or a thing. My first experience with this was a charcoal sketch of my master teacher, Moses.
In the beginning of my mediumship I was just getting used to the process of allowing spirit to come to me with information. This information is a knowing. I don’t hear voices. When I say ‘hear’ I mean I know.
I wanted an image of my master teacher to keep in the studio for guidance and inspiration. I asked Moses to come forward so I could sketch him and he gratefully obliged.
I was working in my sketchbook. I hadn’t planned a formal painting or anything as I was still feeling my way through this process.
As I may have mentioned before, I get emotional and/or worked up while co-creating. I breathe a lot…loudly. I talk to myself; well I talk to spirit. I pace back and forth, stepping back from my drawing frequently. I pull anxiously on my kneaded eraser.
Halfway through this quick sketch, I asked Moses out loud, “Where’s your hair?” Right? I mean Moses has lots of hair and a big beard!! I have the Charleston Heston image in my head. Wait, why would Moses look like Charleston Heston?
Okay, I obviously had an expectation here and that is not going to Allow spirit to come through properly. I have to talk to clients all the time about their expectations and how to release them so that the image and message that comes through is truly helpful to them.
The teaching is Spirit Speaks First. So my Moses is bald and kind of young. He presents more like a monk.
In fact most of the spirit drawings/paintings I do, Spirit shows up as a youngish persona. Now, I have seen other psychic art where Spirit always presents as old and wizened. I have had Spirit present this way too but Most of the time I get younger presentations.
Why is this? Well, there are different aspects to Spirit. There are many incarnations that can present themselves.
Also, consider that one Master can be in many different places at once and each presentation can appear different from another, even though it is the same being. I think this is the most confusing to people; accepting that a well-known master like Master Nada, for example, can present in several different ways.
Light beings are massive beings. For instance Angels are measured in parathangs (or parasang), which is not completely conceivable to our 3D minds. One parathang is said to equal 4 miles (Dominion Angels are 39 Parathangs)…that is quite a lot of light being for the Earth plane!
With so much “mass” (3D terminology) and so much capability, the Masters can be in many different places at once, not all in the same dimension and they can direct many different aspects at once. Take some time to reflect on this.
It is said that Masters, Angels and Guides can be in many places at once. When considered from the 3D point of view that is an amazing amount of master working around the planet! As we gain mastery ourselves we will be capable of this amazing tool.
We reincarnate into different aspects of the same soul. Wouldn’t those aspects (at least some of them) in Spirit present themselves as they were on the planet in different incarnations?
Each aspect has a purpose, which brings a particular relative message from Spirit and this is represented in the image brought forth by me from Moses. As I finished my charcoal sketch I reflected on my expectation.
What was so obvious to me, to my heart, was that this was indeed Moses. I had (still have) absolutely no doubt, but he looked so different from my stubborn expectation!
Moses is not presenting himself to me as a fiery (and hairy) outcast individual that is the norm in movies and religious art of our ‘modern’ era. It is important to note that personality aspect of Moses, as there is information in that image, but there is so much more information in the charcoal sketch that came forward.
Moses comes to me as contemplative, centered and deeply loving. The message from the image alone is one of inner reflection, confidence born of trust and knowing; it is a message for me, from Moses asking me to reconsider the typical Moses, the biblical Moses.
Since finishing this sketch I have learned that Moses reincarnated as Ananda, the beloved and devoted disciple of Gautama Buddha. Ananda the Guardian of Dharma is revered for his ability to grasp the teachings of the Enlightened One and for creating the Order of Nuns within the monasteries.
Ananda was so devoted to the teachings that he stood out as a supreme teacher and successor who modeled humility. My research so far shows that Ananda is traditionally depicted as a bald monk. Now why would my master present himself to me as this incarnation?
There is much more for me to learn about Ananda before fully comprehending the message meant for me from Moses. It is my understanding that our Master Teachers have walked in our shoes and are the perfect teacher for each of us because they understand what we experience, our perspective upon those experiences and how we can transmute any negativity that we may hold about those experiences.
It is recorded that after Ananda, Moses then reincarnated as Lord Ling, God of Happiness to learn to live in Love and Grace and become teacher and Cohan of the Fifth Ray until that responsibility was taken over by Master Hilarion (in I believe sometime in the 1950’s).
I have often wondered how my life experiences may correlate with the lifestream experiences of Moses. I have read quite a bit about Moses and find the similarities to be somewhat out of my grasp at this time.
I feel that Moses has shown himself to me at this time as Ananda, Buddha’s most devout disciple for a reason. Further research and meditation will bring bear fruit. In the meantime Embrace the Mystery.
Special Note: This is a great example of what a Spirit Portrait can bring into your life. Consider booking an appointment with me to see what Spirit would like to show you.