Thank you bent over woman
The wonder of being true to yourself is how much there is to learn about yourself, even decades later. Quite often, I’ve seen many people, myself included, discover this amazing thing through their experiences at Circle or in development classes…or Psychic Fairs.
Psychic Fairs or Holistic Fairs or Whole Life Fairs…whatever they may be called, have always held interest to me but I never went to one. Vulnerability is the foremost thought to almost every psychic, medium or intuitive I know that offers to share their abilities publicly.
There is a wonderful outdoor fair held in my home neighborhood. It is now 10,000 people huge but back in the day (as they say) there was a woman who came every year and set up a funky little tent with a hand-drawn sign that said “Tarot Readings”.
I was curious but afraid. Yep, afraid. I wanted so much to go inside that wonky, dirty little tent, but I feared that I might be told something that required action or responsibility. It would be proof that something ‘other’ knew me, knew what I was or wasn’t doing and knew if I cared or not.
Some people get readings just for the fun of it but I was unsure of this approach, it seemed serious to me. To be true to my sense of self I needed to explore that tent.
I finally enlisted a friend to go with me and screwed up my courage real tight, I went into the tent, which seemed bright inside…how did she do that? Incense wafting around the cozy and inviting space, the bent over woman read my good news cards without smiling once. I was right, this is serious.
The second time I went into the funky tent was a few years later, the woman used stones and ‘read’ me like a book (a real page turner). There was still more light in that tent than one would expect and the incense had permeated the tent cloth, creating a secure feeling of openness and safety. She kept looking at me with a question on her face. This still felt serious and a little vulnerable but everything bent over woman told me was true for me.
But really I wasn’t the only one vulnerable in that tent. The bent over woman was vulnerable too. She stepped up to the table and layed out her skills as a psychic not knowing if I was going to vilify her on some level or perhaps not pay (she asked for donations with no set fee).
My desire to attend an official Psychic Fair waned simply because the tarot tent seemed the only space I would ever find that was safe and mysterious, inviting and serious. The only problem with that is I started to recognize my own abilities. My steady meditation practice and subsequent blending of my artwork created a bit of a conflict in my feelings toward Fairs in general.
Oh, I got it. Over the years as my abilities became more evident and important to me, I related to that bent over woman. I think I now understand the other side of the vulnerability and really, weren’t she and I just normal? She was being true to herself. She showed me how to be true to myself too…many years later. Thank you bent over woman.
The first Psy Fair I attended was as a vendor. When I agreed to be in a small Fair in a run down and stuffy hotel I had no idea what to expect. The room was small and overloaded with chaotic energy. I wanted to burn sage and was told I couldn’t do that. Incense? No. A candle, please? No.
I didn’t feel super safe crammed up against the purveyor of books on one side and the crazy cray cray psychic on the other side. (but really we meet crazy at the grocery store too, so it is life, right?)
I did several sketches that day but I was not especially encouraged about doing another event. Now, I know this may sound all woo woo to some, (and why have you read this far?) but when you have stepped into the funk of a lot of psychics, empaths and such that haven’t kept their energy fields clean – you can feel that when you walk in the room! It is palpable and dangerous.

Mother Mary
People come to Psychic Fairs for healing and support; oh, and a lot of curiosity. Nobody shows up to bathe in the funk of everybody who ever sat in your chair. I wanted to present my portraits in a beautiful truly loving and clean atmosphere so I just stuck with an occasional solo Artist Night and working from home.
This past weekend I participated in my second Psychic Fair. It was fun and very different from the first Fair I participated in. I was allowed to be true to myself and who and what I am with full support for the work I do.
The most important thing is the space was clean and clear. The energy in the room felt good. I felt sure of the space. I had seen it and experienced it before. I was reminded of the tarot tent and it’s genuineness.
Everyone who came to my booth was kind and courteous even if some were skeptics. I appreciate a polite skeptic. Polite being the all-important word here.

Cosmo – Galactic Light Being
It is fun and funny working with Spirit. Guides, masters, angels and elementals have a sense of humor. They love the people they are meant to guide and help and consequently they know what that person needs to hear. Humor helps heal and break the ice.
I have had many sitters jerk their heads up and look me directly in the eye when I brought through a message or a relative that I would have no way of knowing what it means to them; the surprise always evident in their faces. It is even more profound when Spirit uses humor in their messages. I find that satisfying.
It is profoundly satisfying to be true to myself in allowing co-creation with spirit in bringing images and messages that can help people. Help people heal, mourn or further their own path by showing them the breadcrumbs. Excuse me but it is normal to help people.

Nadine – guide
Every person who sits for a portrait gets exactly what they need no matter how surprising or obscure or innocent the message and image may be. A lot of those who engage me have never had a portrait done before and that is great because they have no expectations.
Some people come and sit with a request for Master So and So or their guardian angel. I gently tell them that they will get just what they need and there is no promise to bring them an image of their request but I will ask.
Spirit brings forth who is needed and even though there isn’t always a message, quite often there is a message of guidance to go along with the portrait.

Sea Creature from another planet – guide
Pastel sketch
The number one message is one of love. The second most common message is to meditate. It doesn’t stop there though, every message has specific comments for each particular sitter.
I find that I learn about myself in every drawing or painting as each experience has small but distinct differences. Spirit has personality and it almost always comes through. I find that sitters also learn about themselves through the images that appear just for them and they learn more about how Spirit has got their back.
It really is fun. It is so gratifying as well, to be surprised at what comes from spirit through me. I have no idea when I start what will come out. I begin in utter mystery as to the outcome.
Sure, it is serious but I continue to Embrace the Mystery.