Co-creating images of an Inner Circle
We all have guides, angels and higher beings helping us. We are all capable and fortunate enough to learn who those beings are and what their purpose and messages are for us.
Recently I was asked to co-create the portraits of a personal guidance group, an inner circle. Thrilled at the prospect of meeting nine or more light beings I began to tune in and help build the team.
I never know what is going to come through me; as I have mentioned before I open myself with the intention of sketching out the light being that shows up and begin to scribble. There is never an expectation, it wouldn’t work if I did.
Truly a few days before I knew I would have time to stand at the drawing board I began to get inklings of the first guide’s energy. Tuning in while standing in the art store buying the substrates and a few new charcoal pencils I felt an intense desire to just get to it.
The first being to step up to the drawing board was Let’s Go. You see not all guides and teachers fit the conventional idea of a ‘personhood’ or a ‘sage’. Staying open and curious I watched my hands draw a circle.
I then felt that this portrait would be an abstract. I heard and felt compelled to draw more circles. Without divulging the personal message from Let’s Go I can say this guide is not only about getting on with it but also teaching about co-creation.
What a marvelous start to assembling the whole round table of guides! Some guides bring through a laundry list of words for contemplation and others provide short directions or encouragement and others yet bring through pages of prose. So much diversity.
The client requested charcoal sketches with a small touch of color that related to the guide or message. Sometimes the color added was just background clouds or hints of an aura. Other times I was directed to put color in a specific shape and/or location.
One guide with the purpose of helping with abundance in
general and financial matters specifically requested heart-shaped buttons on his button-down shirt. A clear indicator to use the heart in these matters of abundance and finance. How odd to sketch a spectacled man in a strict shirt with heart-shaped buttons! But spirit speaks first and that was the message meant to be conveyed.
This personal Inner Circle includes a child guide that has the sweetest energy. I just love the different personalities that come through so clearly while drawing and painting. Every one is different and in this case adds so much depth to the team.
The specific energy from spirit becomes imbued in the work and message. Just looking at the image the viewer can feel the energy of the guide and it can be tapped for meditation, contemplation and guidance.
It was a joy to put together a visual representation for this client who is framing each portrait and putting them in her meditation room. I have seen some people scan their portraits and print them on small photo paper for traveling support but of course you could also just have the image on your phone!
The configuration of a personal Inner Circle can change over time as well. This makes sense as guides, teachers, guardians in the inner world are also learning and evolving. Some people work with one or a few of the same guides all their lives. Others seems to cycle through guides as some arrive to help with specific projects, matters of spiritual evolution or special learning topics.
Looking forward to hearing about the marvelous experiences had with this charming Inner Circle and so grateful for the opportunity to become part of the team. Embrace the Mystery.