Thankful for So Much
When just beginning to develop as a medium I used to attend a Development Circle that every year near Thanksgiving would focus on Thankfulness. We would focus our thanks on the Spiritualists that have come before us. Those that were ostracized and even punished for their knowledge of the Spirit world deserve our gratitude for laying the brickwork that we now tread.
Lots of information about Spiritualism can be found on the web and while I do not subscribe to the church in any form I do appreciate and am thankful for the safety that has been our gift from those who came before us as we now practice mediumship and psychic abilities in a much more open and accepted way in the modern world.
In this particular Circle there was a very short meditation in the program of activities. The light was dim, not a blackout, which means most participants will not see light beings or spirit light or colors. Some extraordinary clairvoyants will, most of the other participants will feel the presence of spirit.
Once we invoke Mother/Father God we call in our personal guides, Masters, Angels etc. There is always a series of lovely affirmations followed by chanting/singing, which really energizes the room before meditation. As I mentioned the meditation was short, about 5 minutes, not really long enough to ‘go way out’ for me (by which I mean to another plane).

Moon on Water
one of my Native American Guides
In meditation this night my Native American guides showed up and I thanked each one for their protection and counsel. Moon on Water is a beautiful maiden who among many other things grounds me in the physical. She was the first Native American guide to come to me.
Chief Big Tall Pine is my ultimate protector. I was his child in a past life when our tribe was attacked by another tribe during which he could not save me. I still hold the vision of him rocking my dead body in grief. He has erected a medicine wheel in my backyard and he is constantly present. I have never painted him…yet.
Pocohantas came to me a few years ago and showed me a new path, which is actually my mission, for which I am ever grateful. I offered forget-me-not flowers as a gift at the feet of each guide and as I was thanking Pocohantas for being my way-shower, I heard separate from myself “way-shower”. I listened.
“Way-shower, you and everyone here is a way-shower.”
I listened making sure I stayed relaxed to strengthen the meditative state. I then received the knowing of the presence of Madame Blavatsky, the intrepid leader of the Theosophical movement in the late 1800’s. She is known as HPB (Helena Petrovich Blavatsky).
I heard “Blavatsky” and I got a great shiver, which means that a spirit, guide or Master has stepped into my aura. HPB continued, “You are all way-showers and pioneers. This last year has been a challenge but you all showed unity and steadfastness as exemplified by Denise’s Pataji. (I called our leader Pataji) Spirit and the Ascended Masters are very grateful for each and every one of you.”
HPB then gave me some personal advice, which I will keep to myself and then asked me if I had a question! (Hurray I get to ask a question!…) I said yes of course.
“Did I see two UFO’s this morning over Anchorage?”
She then stepped out of my aura (but not really going away as evidenced later) leaving me to sort through what had transpired and especially to remember the message as our leader was bringing everyone out of meditation and proceeding into an exercise of gratitude which required each person to engage in speaking (and thinking) to the group. I kept going over the message, patiently waiting for an opportunity to share the message.
It was nearly 20 minutes maybe longer before I had a chance to share. I was so concerned I would not remember the message. When in meditation

Pocahantas one of my Native American Guides
the conscious mind is not engaged and if a message comes and I can ‘speak’ it pretty much right away, at least while in that meditative state, it seems easier to me. This time I had to set aside the message, come into full thinking consciousness and trust that I would remember it correctly and fully.
When I was finally able to share I explained my experience with my Native American guides and how HPB came in and then I got emotional which means that HPB stepped back into my aura to help me remember the message! It was wonderful confirmation of my experience.
Often when mediumship is just developing the medium gets emotional (crying, quivering, sick stomach) when a spirit steps into the aura. The emotional body is the entry for strong spirit connection. Our mental connections can be strong as well but usually (as for me) express as a knowing. I don’t necessarily hear a voice. I get a mental knowing.
The emotional body is affected by this communion with spirit, which is evident by a show of emotion in my voice. So, I started to get a wobbly voice as emotion welled up from my stomach to my throat while repeating the message. It all calmed down in a mere second but it does provide proof and evidence that HPB was back and helping me bring her message to the group.
The opportunity to bring a message from Spirit, in this case to the group is a fantastic reason to be Thankful. The experience brought advice for me and confirmation on the UFO’s. This is why I love Spirit Circle. Embrace the Mystery.