A Week Off.
Someone just posted on my Face Book page a collage of pictures of chocolate and chocolate desserts and said there is no way she’s leaving the third dimension if she has to give up chocolate. I chuckled at that and agree that dark chocolate, not too sweet, is one of the finer blessings on planet Earth.
This triggered further thought into what could be considered a transcendent experience. Its different for everyone isn’t it?
This is the thought I am taking into the next week while the fish are in and the garden is starting to burst and friends and family pop in with smiles as bright as the unusually present sun outside. Fish week everything that has nothing to do with fish, stops.
While I’m filleting and packing salmon (and occasionally picking a berry or two) I’ll be reveling in my experiences of summer and sending gratitude out to All That Is. In the meantime enjoy your summer bounty and watch for the next post.