Experiencing the Flow
We are all anchored to the Mother. Our bodies are the trunks connected to Gaia. We branch out into the Universe mingling with each other in a forest creating our community and our strength. Energy runs through us up to Father God.” Master Rasha of Atlantis
The body, my body, your body, is a vehicle for energy. How we receive, hold, process and emit energy is directly correlated to our personal development.
The energy that we are conscious of is related to our development. The energy that we consciously use is also, I feel, related to our development.
Everyone is different in abilities. Some people see energy, others just feel it and others hear or know it.
The idea that we run energy is ages old. The Vedics of ancient India taught that all Universal energy pours through us. Reiki and Lightwave Healers both move Universal energy to help and heal others.
The Buddhist concept of Universal energy is the All in All or All That Is. You in fact are energy, you just need to remember it and you will realize the oneness.
One day while preparing for a class someone pointed out a reflection on the wall opposite the door to the classroom. The reflection was from large windows several feet across from the entrance to the room.
It was a bright sunny day and traffic outside was bouncing light around as it moved. But one particular reflection was steady while the outside traffic waited at a stop light.
Within the bright rhomboid shape on the wall you could see the wavy heat waves rising up but you could also see very distinct horizontal lines. There were intermittent colored shards blinking in and out along the horizontal lines.
Thousands of lines varying in light and not so light contrast were streaming across the bright shape on the wall. Looking out the classroom door across the foyer of the building toward the big windows I saw only large glass cabinets that hold sacred objects.
All of the students commented on the energy streams evident on the wall. What we didn’t know for sure was where the energy was coming from. Was it coming from the sacred objects or was it just resident in the classroom or a combination of both?
Recently, during a Development Circle the darkened room shifted energy while we were in meditation. Most participants commented on it. I shared the message from Spirit that we were experiencing energy to be noted as a signature that would help each person recognize and utilize their ‘individual space’ in a point of reference to their development. I was actually not very articulate at the time as it was a difficult concept to convey.
Another participant then brought through a message that the energy was what is called ‘the flow’. The energy flow is the All but also personal to each person as in ‘this is your hula hoop’ (like the aforementioned individual space).
In the Attributes of the Universe, a sub-chapter in the book the Teachings of the Great Brotherhood of Light; touched on the fact that energy is either in motion or latent, in other words, in potential. Energy is always flowing. Always.
At Development Circle meditation I saw thousands if not millions of horizontal lines streaming across the darkened space. It was moving but not moving. The lines were buzzing but silent.
I know it is all contradictory but that is really how the experience seemed to me. Each of us in the Circle seemed aware of the different energy but we were each having a different experience (in our hula hoop).
I personally experienced the flow in two different ways, maybe three different ways. I was running energy vertically as connected to Source. I was also feeling and visualizing the horizontal tide of Oneness as moving but also in potential.
It was absolutely invigorating. No one wanted to leave the Circle. We were initiated into a new level of beingness and it was so comfortable, so safe and so nurturing.
It wasn’t until the next day that I realized that the horizontal lines I ‘saw’ in the darkness of Circle was similar to the energy lines I saw in the sunlight reflection on the classroom wall! The lines were intensely compact and seemed to move but not move in the sunlit reflection on the wall.
Embrace the Mystery.