Symbols and Signs are your proof and evidence
In the throes of co-creating a spirit portrait I get different pieces of information about elements to include in a sketch or painting. Symbols come through that convey a particular meaning or specific message to the sitter. Signs come through that indicate guidance for an action or food for contemplation.

past life information
This information can include a place in time and space that Spirit wants to communicate about, usually in past tense but not always. Odd shapes or well-known shapes both, convey a particular message or have a special meaning a guide or master wants to get across and may only mean something to the recipient and no one else.
It gets a little sticky sometimes since I don’t know all that much about any one recipient and their relationship to Spirit; there can be some puzzling looks thrown my way. But in every case of questioning I have later received confirmation that the odd shape or sign makes perfect sense to them…now.
That’s because Spirit is listening. Spirit knows what symbols and signs are important for not only our daily guidance but also what is necessary for our spiritual growth and development in this plane and beyond.

Master Isaac
symbols of the heart meditation and electric energy
Alice Bailey writes in Ponder On This that our ability to understand a symbol or a sign is directly related to our “richness” (pg398) in our daily life. What does that symbol mean to you, your family or society? Can you maintain awareness throughout the day to notice a sign?
Many people today accept the concept of synchronicity; the idea that seemingly unrelated ideas, objects or happenings represents a meaning that is beyond coincidence. What may not be as well accepted is that this is Spirit speaking to us.
When receiving information while creating I can also be directed as to colors and placement of those colors. It is well accepted that colors have
meaning, imbue feelings and encourage action and feeling as well.
I have received a knowing to place the subject in specific positions, as in the painting of Master Isaac in meditation on a purple heart-shaped cushion.
“We must learn to see symbols all around us and then to penetrate behind the symbol to the idea which it should express”. Alice Bailey
Bailey goes on to assert and this is true in my own experience, higher teachings come to us almost unintelligible. Unbidden, surprising and abstract rather than concrete in nature, learning is occurring all the time we just don’t recognize it on a conscious level.
Every color, every shape and every position in each of my works is specific to the message being conveyed to the recipient. Sometimes I receive information that seems very amorphous, unclear and sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
It ultimately comes down to the meaning for the recipient at that point in time relative to their understanding. I have to allow Spirit to guide me in bringing forth odd shapes or concepts, which seem to hold no meaning.
From my end of the co-creation everything in a painting or sketch has a purpose though because Spirit Speaks First. I honor what comes through.

Master Rasha
giving direction, outlook to recipient
In the color sketch of Lady Master Rasha, there was clear direction to be conveyed in profile looking into the future with intent. Guidance led me to the intentional lines looking over a kind of mother-of-pearl shell shape. The recipient’s future held some ups and downs but overall everything was pearly and luminous. The recipient resonated deeply with this message afterward.
Who shows up is a message in symbol and sign alone! Getting to know your guides and teachers is a huge step toward self-realization. They have been in your shoes. They know what you are going through on planet Earth. They are listening and ready to help.
Out of respect to privacy I do not wish to convey entire messages but let me say that in all of these examples there is even more to be garnered from symbols and signs on a personal level for each recipient that I provide in written form. Spirit wants to help. Our guides, guardians, master teachers…all, are waiting.
They just have to be asked to help, to be even more present in our lives. Embrace the Mystery.